Craig THORNE 03.01.2001 Canada |
Personal BestsEvent | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
200m | 21.79 | +1.8 | Alumni Field, Windsor (CAN) | 20.05.2023 | 200m ind. | 21.97 | | Clemson Indoor Track & Field Complex, Clemson, SC (USA) | 11.02.2023 | 300m ind. | 35.20 | | Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse, Windsor (CAN) | 14.01.2023 | 60mH ind. | 7.76 | | Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse, Windsor (CAN) | 23.02.2024 | 60mH ind. (0.99) | 7.98 | | Gryphon Fieldhouse, Guelph (CAN) | 15.11.2019 | 110mH | 13.48 | +0.5 | Foote Field, Edmonton (CAN) | 13.06.2024 | 110mH (0.99) | 13.97 | -0.2 | Montréal (CAN) | 27.07.2019 | 110mH (0.91) | 14.21 | +1.6 | Brandon (CAN) | 10.08.2018 | 400mH (0.84) | 54.42 | | Brandon (CAN) | 12.08.2018 | 4x200m ind. | 1:27.99 | | Field House, Saskatoon (CAN) | 11.03.2023 | 4x400m ind. | 3:17.04 | | Field House, Saskatoon (CAN) | 11.03.2023 |
| Season's BestsEvent | Result | Wind | Venue | Date | T-L |
60mH ind. | 7.76 | | Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse, Windsor (CAN) | 23.02.2024 | | 110mH | 13.48 | +0.5 | Foote Field, Edmonton (CAN) | 13.06.2024 | | 4x200m ind. | 1:29.53 | | Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse, Windsor (CAN) | 24.02.2024 | |
World RankingsEvent | Place | Score |
Men's 110mH | 58. | 1215 | Men's Overall Ranking | 879. | 1215 |
| Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2022 | 21.99 | +1.9 | Alumni Stadium, London (CAN) | 29.05.2022 | 2023 | 21.79 | +1.8 | Alumni Field, Windsor (CAN) | 20.05.2023 |
Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2019 | 14.07 | 0.0 | Guelph (CAN) | 07.06.2019 | 2021 | 13.97 | +1.0 | Track and Field Centre Outdoor Track, Toronto (CAN) | 18.06.2021 | 2022 | 13.83 | +0.8 | Canada Games Park, Thorold (CAN) | 20.08.2022 | 2023 | 13.52 | -0.1 | Estadio Nacional - La Sabana, San José (CRC) | 22.07.2023 | 2024 | 13.48 | +0.5 | Foote Field, Edmonton (CAN) | 13.06.2024 |
Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2019 | 13.97 | -0.2 | Montréal (CAN) | 27.07.2019 |
Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2017 | 14.58 | +1.2 | Brandon (CAN) | 11.08.2017 | 2018 | 14.21 | +1.6 | Brandon (CAN) | 10.08.2018 | 2019 | 14.39 | +0.4 | Rexton (CAN) | 01.06.2019 |
No progression. Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2019 | 55.87 | Moncton (CAN) | 08.06.2019 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2017 | 55.92 | Brandon (CAN) | 13.08.2017 | 2018 | 54.42 | Brandon (CAN) | 12.08.2018 | 2019 | 55.85 | Rexton (CAN) | 01.06.2019 |
Results in principal competitions in 2024Event | Date | Competition | Place | Result | |
110mH | 06.04 | Miramar Invitational | 6. | 14.02 | | 110mH | 27.04 | 114th Drake Relays presented by Xtream powered by Mediacom | 5. | 13.71 | | 110mH | 04.06 | Royal City Inferno Track and Field Festival | 1. | 13.58 | | 110mH | 13.06 | Edmonton Athletics Invitational | 4. | 13.48 | | 110mH | 15.06 | Harry Jerome Track Classic | 2. | 13.72 | | 110mH | 21.06 | La Classique d'athlétisme de Montréal | 1. | 13.51 | | 110mH | 29.06 | Canadian Championships | 1. | 13.65 | |